Computer Education

“We missed the industrial revolution, but can not afford to miss computer revolution”

The school has taken every step to upgrade both software and hardware by building a new state of art computer lab with 35+ computers. This has enabled the students to excel in area of Information Technology (IT). Thus, enhancing and doubling of computer lab facilities has brought enough cheers for the increasing number of children, who were keen to get abreast of information technology, but were unable to do so in the past on account of limited lab facilities for them.

“Life is not merely living but living in health”

Science is a necessary part of our education system. The school has certainly provided congenial environment for the growth of scientific temperament and attitude among upcoming young students by making science learning a sheer joy through practical experience


In the academic session, to give a fresh dimension to school education, Eco club, English Literary Association, Hindi Literary Association, and Science Club are made an integral part of the curriculum. These clubs inculcate awareness and motivation among students that they have great potential which they can unfold in diverse sphere

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